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Preserved flower crown.

It's real flowers inside of the crown, but never Die.


Queen flower crown headdresses,great for brides.バラの王冠のヘッドドレス


New Queen flower crown headdresses, available at fashion store "la belle Etude " laforet Harajuku,in Tokyo Japan. I used preserved flower roses for this headdress. I have a special fondness for this queen flower crown headdress because that's where I started. I started using preserved flower as a part of headpiece,headdress and fashion because I loved flower of course and I hope I could wear it and keep it. I wanted everybody to wear it and feel the beauty of flower closer. Preserved flower is a really great material, they are real flowers, very beautiful, and can keep its freshness as it is. We mostly enjoy preserved flower as a part of the interior decor, so I just wanted to make it wearable. That's my story. I really recommend it for a bridal headpiece or very special occasion because you can keep it with your memory of the memorial day without drying up. 新作王冠のヘッドドレス。ラフォーレ原宿内の"la belle Etude"様にてお取り扱い頂いています。 この王冠のヘッドドレスにはプリザーブドフラワーのバラを使っています。 このヘッドドレスは私の原点とも言えるデザインで、とても強い思い入れがあります。 元々花が好きで、花をファッションとして身につけたい、身につけて花の美しさをより身近に感じて欲しいと想い、プリザーブドフラワーのヘッドドレスを作り始めました。 プリザーブドフラワーは本物の花ながらその美しさと新鮮さをキープできる、とても素晴らしい素材です。 プリザーブドフラワーのヘッドドレスは枯れないので、特にウェディングや特別なシーンにお勧めします。 ぜひ思い出と一緒に保存して下さい。

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