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Grand opening !TOKYU PLAZA GINZA!!

Our Japanese paper accessories are now available at grand opening store in Ginza,Tokyo!

The Japanese washi paper store,siwa collection, is finally opened at Tokyu plaza ginza.Brand new building at Ginza! It looks gorgeous with so huge geometric glass walls. So crowded first date and I'm just so excited, so glad to see my own product at the store because it was very good opportunity to show people what I create. I was at the store at the store as a stuff on the day of reception and it was really good experience to meet customer in person and hear what they think and hear how they like my product. And also it was the best moment ever when I see they wear my accessories and excited and smile. I really appreciate this opportunity and just re-realized that my first priority to create something is to move people and get them excited. Thanks for everyone who gave me this chance, thanks for the store stuff who sell those products every day and customers who enjoy my creations.


東急プラザ、そしてsiwa collectionのお店がついにオープン致しました。 かなり派手なビルで最初見た時は結構びっくりしました。 レセプション当日のみ店頭に立たせて頂いたのですが、初めての経験だったので非常にいい刺激になりました。 普段直接お客さんに会って意見を聞く事はほぼないので、

わー!とかかわいいー!とかすごーい!とか笑顔で反応してくれるお客さんを目撃できて、本当に嬉しかったです。 この機会を下さった皆さん、毎日接客して商品を売って下さるお店の人、そして喜んでくれるお客さん、本当にありがとうございます。 長い時期、誰の目にも留まらないかもしれないと悶々と思いながら制作を続けてきたので、本当に嬉しいです。

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