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Visited MOMA : Japanese architects exhibition.


I visited MOMA last day with my ex-professor,also my best friend, from university in TX.

He visited NY and we reunited again after almost 6 years.

There was an Architectural exhibition being held at MOMA, about Japanese architects and designers Toyo Ito and SANAA including Kazuyo Sejima, Ryue Nishizawa, Sou Fujimoto, Akihisa Hirata, and Junya Ishigami, with their beautiful models.

Their models were just Wow and I wondered how they made it and how long they've spent! Some of them made by using laser cut and 3D printer, just so hight-tech!That's so different from my school days , especially for low -tech person like me, and I feel like it was a long long time ago.:P

Anyway, their works were totally amazing and it was obvious that architecture is a huge , realistic, and the most useful art piece. I've been away from architectural field almost for 8 years, but I just re-realized that I still love it and feel some kind of regret. Now think of starting it again somehow or other in my own way.


先日大学時代の教授件友達がNYに来るという事で、MOMA にて開催中の日本人建築家達の展示を見に行ってきました。 建築模型を久々にまじまじと見て、レーザーカットやら3Dプリンターを駆使したそのハイテクっぷりに驚き感動しました。ローテク人間の私にはもはや未知の時代… 建築はでかくて実用的で現実的なアートだと再認識したと共に、まだ自分の中に建築への未練が見え隠れしている事に気がついた一日でした。。。

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