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2019 SS New collection and design story.

Design story about '2019 SS Black and white collection'.

Photo by / Zineland

Model / Jo Patrice at WeSpeak NY

Makeup by / Mika Saijo


For this collection, I mainly used summer material like sinamay fabric and straw.

When I create a new piece, I usually have a design image in my head and start drawing some sketches of it.

Then choose materials and start creating.

Sometimes I don't even draw sketches or pattern and just start playing with a material.

For example, this black crown is made out of a piece of sinamay sheet. How?

I just cut it randomly and create crown-like shape, so I'll never be able to create exactly the same one.

Sometimes it's the way I enjoy creation.

Especially when we grew up, it's getting harder and harder to create freely like kids.

I also use any kind of tool to create the ideal shape even if it's not a tool for hat-making.

This time I used a hair iron to curve the shape of the crown.

It was the perfect tool to create the curve. It looks a bit weird but I really recommend it. ;P

It's one of the most enjoyable moments when I came up with such an idea.












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